Fixing sound problems in virtual machines running Vista 32-bit edition
When you install Microsoft Vista 32-bit edition in a VMware Fusion virtual machine, there is no sound output. To correct this problem, run Windows Update to update the sound driver from within Vista.
( mcneal: I saw this issue when setting up Vista 32-bit. These steps resolved the issue for me. )
To update the sound driver in a VMware Fusion virtual machine running Windows Vista 32-bit edition:
In the virtual machine, from the Windows start menu, right-click Computer and select Properties.
In the left pane, under Tasks, select Device Manager.
When prompted for your permission to continue, click Continue.
Windows displays the Device Manager.
Right-click the Multimedia Sound Adapter with a warning symbol (indicating that there is no driver) and select Update Driver Software.
At the prompt How do you want to search for driver software?, select Search automatically for updated driver software.
Windows finds and installs the appropriate driver for your virtual sound card.
When you are prompted to restart, click Restart Now.
Sound should now work in your Microsoft Vista 32-bit virtual machine.