PROFESSOR JOSE TORERO CULLEN, University College London, Tues., Oct. 20 | ||
3 PM | 10 AM | Practice set-up |
BST | EST | October 20, 2020: Day of Seminar |
3 PM | 10 AM | Meeting with Gomez-Bombarelli https://mit.zoom.us/j/91494215561?pwd=NDdtNVdpWjdnRmRmZ2pFUFBnRFZhQT09 Password: 079073 |
3:45 | 10:45 | |
4:30 | 11:30 | |
5:15 | 12:15 | Carter https://mit.zoom.us/j/96673362320?pwd=cXRvQ3NMcHRLQ21KaU9YVmJhUEJ2QT09 Password: 956771 |
6 PM | 1 PM | Jaramillo https://mit.zoom.us/j/98684047629?pwd=UVlsejAwQXVBaEtOdVprT2hDdklndz09 Password: 047349 |
6:45 | 1:45 | Meeting with Prof. Josephine Carstensen https://mit.zoom.us/j/91639781521?pwd=d09TRlRLNmRuRlhscys2U2RuWldjUT09 Password: 835842 |
7:30 | 2:30 | |
8:45 | 3:45 | Zoom set-up |
9 PM | 4 PM | Seminar |
10:15 | 5:15 | Conclude, Q&A |
11 PM | 6 | (Shoot for student group) |