The Zoom host, MIT faculty host, and the guest speaker will convene fifteen minutes before prior to when the seminar commences. Send to speaker and to the MIT faculty host a background screen (if your seminar group has one)All will be sure to turn off their calendar, phone, and email notifications to avoid sound disruption. The Zoom Host will provide an optional virtual background to the MIT Faculty Host and to the Speaker. This will be visible until the MIT faculty enters to introduce the speaker. The Zoom Host will black off his/her camera and change the virtual screen to a welcome screen showing the title of the talk and the Speaker's name, title and university/organization. He/she will be muted throughout the event (but not during the pretalk set-up. At this point, the speaker will make) At the beginning of the talk, the Zoom Host will put the spotlight onto the MIT Faculty Host, who will then introduce the speaker. After his/her introduction, the Faculty Host will move the spotlight to the Speaker who will begin his/her talk.
Throughout the
After adjusting the aforementioned settings in Zoom Preferences and in Zoom, share a background screen with the MIT will The background screen (if the seminar group has one)