- Jicamarca, Peru
- AMISR virtual tour
- Millstone Hill, USA
- Arecibo ISR, Puerto Rico
- Resolute Bay AMISR (RISR) construction, Canada
- On line Jupyter notebooks
- IS spectrum Java applet
- Python Incoherent Scatter tools from Mike and Roger based on Kudeki/Milla paper
- visuamisr python toolkit, AMISR Matlab toolkit, AMISR IDL toolkit
- References
- Useful background material on the web
- Notes on papers
- Literature and links
- ISR facts sheet
- Evans 1969
- Killeen 1984
- Lehtinen - alternating codes
- StMaurice 1999
- Thayer/Semeter 2004
- Nygren paper on radar and alternating codes
- Eiscat ISR lectures book