High latitude ISR Fact sheet
List of Groups (pdf)
Experiment proposals for all 6 groups
ISR school pictures (Craig Heinselman)
Python program that plots ESR 32 m data on a map: https://github.com/cmeeren/eiscatscanplot
Map of Oulu
- Elizabeth Kendall - SRI - elizabeth.kendall@sri.com
- Anthea Coster - MIT - ajc@haystack.mit.edu
- Bill Rideout - MIT - brideout@haystack.mit.edu
- Roger Varney - SRI - roger.varney@sri.com
- Ashton Reimer - SRI - ashton.reimer@sri.com
- Phil Erickson - MIT - pje@mit.edu
- Josh Semeter - Boston University - jls@bu.edu
IS spectrum Java applet
- Python Incoherent Scatter tools from Mike and Roger based on Kudeki/Milla paper
visuamisr python toolkit, AMISR Matlab toolkit, AMISR IDL toolkit