- Within the folder, each transfer will have a random unique ID and a sequential number within that.
- Review the contents of the transfer to ensure the material was what the donor intended to send.
- If not correct, contact the donor to do another transfer or confer with the donor that extra material is alright to delete.
- In order for Archivematica to be able to parse the package, you must move and edit some of the metadata files.
- Create a submissionDocumentation folder as outlined in the adding submission documentation to the bag section of the Exactly documentation.
- Move the “att-metadata.txt” file into the submissionDocumentation folder.
- Rename the “att-manifest-md5.txt” to checksum.md5 and move it into the metadata folder (the folder one level up from submissionDocumentation).
- Change the name of the sequential number folder that contains the files and the metadata folder (for instance 21") to the standard transfer package name related to its accession, in other words (accession number appended with acc, 2020_034acc).