Administrative Assistant, CC Director, CC Planner, CC Planning Director, CC Planning Manager, Director of Finance and Administration, eB Admin, Furniture Designer, OCP Planner, Program Manager, Project Coordinator, Project Manager, SPT Commissioning Lead, SPT Lead, VPF Strategic Sourcing
This process is also started when Send and Initialize is used as the notification option in the 4.0 Bidding Step
Process Map
Step Descriptions
Note that these step descriptions are in the process of being updated.
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The Project Coordinator or Project Manager fills out the required fields and executes the Submit action.
The next step is PM Initiate Process?
When asked to identify the type of contract being requested this document may be helpful.
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Total $ <= 0? Conditional
The PM Initiate Process? conditional step determines the path the process will take based on if the Data Field “Did the PM Initiate the Process?” has a value of “Yes”.
If the value is Yes the next step is Contract Required?
If the value is False the next step is PM Review?
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Initiator Revise
The PM reviews the process and verifies the Contract or PO being added to the project and chooses the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Required?
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PM Initiate Process? Conditional
Multiple fields are evaluated to determine the path that the process will take.
If True the next step is Construction?
If False the next step is Purch Req MM.
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Contract Required? Conditional
Multiple fields are evaluated to determine the path the process will take.
If True the next step is eB Admin Updates CSI Codes.
If False the next step is DoF Procurement Reviews.
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Contract >$10k? Conditional
eB Admin runs the bid tabulation report and combines it with the process import template to do a quick upload into the processes to get the CSI and GL information on the commitment line item custom fields. Through the import the following Submit action is taken.
The next step is DoF Procurement Review.
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PM Review
DoF Procurement reviews the process and executes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Admin Assembles Contract.
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Vendor Manager Review of SoS
The Contract Admin reviews the process and uploads the assembled contract to be executed and has the option to take an acton to Submit or Revise.
As part of this step the Contract Admin associates a bid process to this PO/Contract process by using the Contract Number Lookup. (Instructions are in included on the process page)
If Submit is chosen the next step is Initiator Reviews Contract.
If Revise is chosen the next step is DoF Procurement Reviews.
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Contract Admin Assembles Contract
The initiator reviews the contract and has the option to take an action to Submit or Revise.
If Submit is chosen the next step is DoF Procurement Releases Contract.
If Revise is chosen the next step is Contract Admin Assembles Contract.
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Initiator Reviews Contract
DoF Procurement reviews the contract and has the option to take an action to Submit or Revise.
If Submit is chosen the next step is Vendor Executes Contract.
If Revise is chosen the next step is Contact Admin Assembles Contract.
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CA Manager Reviews & Initials
The Vendor reviews, signs and uploads the contract. The Vendor has the option to Submit or Revise. (Request Revision)
If Submit is chosen the next step is Vendor Signature Step.
If Revise is chosen the next step is DoF Procurement Releases Contract.
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OGC Counsel Review
The Vendor Signature Step finalizes the vendor's electronic signature with DocuSign allowing for the next person to sign the document. A Code Complete action is automatically taken.
The next step is DoF Procurement Approves Contract.
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Contract Admin Releases Contract
DoF Procurement reviews the process and has the option to take an action to Submit or Revise.
If Submit is chosen the next step is Campus Construction.
If Revise is chosen the next step is Initiator Revise.
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Initiator Revise 1
The Campus Construction step determines the path the process will take based on the Program Type and if the contract is managed by a different program.
If True (Yes) the next step is SP&T Program?
If False (No) the next step is OCP?
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Hold for Vendor Contract Execution
The SP&T Program? Step determines the path the process will take based on the Program Type or if the project is managed by a different program.
If True (Yes) the next step is VPF Strategic Sourcing Review.
If False (No) the next step is Projects Director Review.
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Contract Admin Final Review
The VPF Strategic Sourcing Director reviews the process and contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract<10M
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Campus Construction? Conditional
The Projects Director reviews the process and contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <$10M
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SPT Program? Conditional
The Contract <$10M conditional step determines the path the process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $10M.
If True (Yes) the next step is CC Director Executes Contract.
If False (No) the next step is CC Director Review.
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SPT Director Review
The CC Director reviews the process and executes the contact, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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Proj. Contract>$10m? Conditional
The CC Director reviews the process and the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <$100M.
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CC Director Review
The OCP? conditional step determines the path the takes based on Program Type or if the contract is managed by a different program.
If True (Yes) the next step is Contract <$500K.
If False (No) the next step is M&U?
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CC Director Executes Contract
The Contract <$500K conditional step determines the path the process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $500K.
If True (Yes) (<) the next step is OCP Director Executes.
If False (No) (>) the next step is OCP Director Review.
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CA Mgr & Dir. Finance
The OCP Director reviews the process and executes the contract then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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OCP? Conditional
The OCP Director reviews the process and contract then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <$100m.
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Proj. Contract> $500k? Conditional
The M & U? Conditional step will determine the path the process takes based on the Program Type or if the contract is managed by a different program
If True (Yes) the next step is Utilities Program.
If False (No) the next steep is Campus Services.
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OCP Director Review
The Utilities Program? Conditional step will determine the path process takes based on the Program Type or if the contract is managed by a different program.
If True (Yes) the next step is Contract <$100K.
If False (No) the next step is SEG Program.
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OCP Director Execute
The Contract < $100k conditional step determines the path process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $100k.
If True (Yes) the next step is Utilities Director Execute.
If False (No) the next step is Utilities Director Review.
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CSM? Conditional
The Utilities Director reviews the process and executes the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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Proj. Contract>$5m? Conditional
The Utilities Director reviews the process and contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <$5m.
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CSM Director Executes
The SEG Program?conditionalstep determines the path the process takes based on the Program Type or if the contract is managed by a different program, Contract Program Type = SEG.
If True (Yes) the next step is Contract <$100k.
If False (No) the next step is Contract <$100k.
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CSM Director Review
The Contract < $100k conditional step determines the path the process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $100k.
If True (Yes) the next step is O&M Director Execute.
If False (No) the next step is O&M Director Review.
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Utilities Program? Conditional
The O&M Director reviews the process and executes the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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Contract> $1M Conditional
tThe O&M Director reviews the process and contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <$5m
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Utilities Director Execute
The Contract < $100k conditional step determines the path process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $100k.
If True (Yes) the next step is SEG Director Execute.
If False (No) the next step is SEG Director Review.
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Utilities Director Review
The SEG Director reviews the process and executes the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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FEG Program? Conditional
The SEG Director reviews the process and the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <$100m.
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FEG Director Review
The Contract < $5m conditional step will determine the path process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $5m.
If True (Yes) the next step is M&U Director Executes Contract.
If False (No) the next step is M&U Director Review.
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Prj Contract > 10mil? Conditional
The M&U Director reviews the process and executes the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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VP, CSS Reviews
The M&U Director reviews the process and the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <$100m.
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CP, CSS Executes
The Campus Services? Conditional step determines the path the process takes based on the Program Type or if the contract is managed by a different program, Contract Program Type = Campus Services..
If True (Yes) the next step is Contract <$5m.
If False (No) the next step is Contract <$10m.
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>$10mil <$100mil? Conditional
The Contract < $5m conditional step determines the path the process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $5m.
If True (Yes) the next step is CS Director Execute.
If False (No) the next step is CS Director Review.
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VP Finance Executes
The CS Director reviews the process and executes the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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EVPT Executes
The CS Director reviews the process and the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract < $100m .
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Initiator Revise 3
The Contract <$10m conditional step determines the path the process takes based on the Current Commitment value being greater than or less than $10m.
If True (Yes) the next step is IBO Director Executes Contract.
If False (No) the next step is IBO Director Reviews Contract.
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Contract Signature
The IBO Director reviews the process and executes the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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Purch Req M.M.
The IBO Director reviews the process and the contract, then takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract <100m.
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CRSP Admin & Procurement Review
The Contract <$100m conditional step determines the path the process takes based on the Current Commitment Value being greater than or less than $100m.
If True (Yes) the next step is Deputy EVP Executes Contract.
If False (No) the next step is Deputy EVPT Review.
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>$25K? Conditional
The Deputy EVPT reviews the process, signs the contract and takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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Initiator Revise 2
The Deputy EVPT reviews the process and the contract and takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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SAP PO Hold Step
The EVPT Office reviews the process and the contract and takes the Submit action.
The next step is Contract Signature.
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Contract Signature will finalize the director's electronic signatures using DocuSign. Once complete it will automatically take the Code Complete action. (Signifies that e-Builder has completed a task}
The next step is SAP PO/Contract Hold Step.
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AA sends Exec. PO\Contract to vendor
The Purchase req MM step is a mail merge automation that completes the purchase requisition from the purchase requisition template.
The next step is DoF Procurement Review.
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Commitment Line Intructions
Enter information for each commitment item.
Item Number - a sequential number denoting each line.
Budget Line Item - Associate each entry with a Budget Line Item.
Current Budget - Displays the current budget.
Description - editable field for a description.
Retainage Percent - enter the retainage percent when applicable.
Amount - the amount of the the commitment line
Allowance Item - Check if it is an allowance item.
Custom Fields - used to enter the cost object.
Pay particulate attention to the Retainage percentage as that determines how retainage is calculated when invoices are submitted.
A Retainage of five percent should be expressed as 5.00 (as in the example)
The following list of items, though part of the budget template, cannot be used to generate a commitment. You cannot place internal charges on a PO.
If you are issuing a PO to cover vendor expenses use the reimbursable line item for that vendor type. For example, for A/E expenses use B-30-125 A/E Reimbursables.
Do Not Use list is below:
A15-005 DoF Project Administration
A15-010 OCP Project Administration
A15-015 Utilities Project Administration
A15-020 SEG Project Administration
A15-025 EHS Project Administration
A15-035 Service and Support-Staff
A15-045 Employee Benefit Charges (EB) - General
A20-050 Travel Expenses
C50-685 Other MIT Internal Charges
C55-730 Steam
C55-745 Chilled Water
F95-835 EVPT Contingency
F96-840 DoF Contingency
Output - The Purchase Order Document
This process will print a Purchase Order document that can be sent to the vendor.
Purchase Order
This process is used for both signed contracts and purchase orders and it will display the desired document in the AA Sends Exec. PO/Contract to Vendor ... step.
When a contract is displayed the supporting purchase order is still generated. To print the purchase order:
Click the Print button.
Click the Merge Templates radio button.
Choose Purchase Order from the drop down menu.
Click the Print Button on the Mail Merge Templates menu.
Sample Purchase Order Document
PO Mail Merge Field
Purchase Order Number
The Purchase Order Number in the top right hand corner of the PO (highlighted in yellow on this example) will only appear when the process has progressed through the SAP PO/Contract Hold step. Prior to that step it is possible to preview the Purchase Order, but the PO number will not appear on the form.
The date field is the date that the purchase order mail merge is generated. If you reprint the purchase order the date will update.
Vendor and Vendor Address
The Vendor and vendor addresss information is derived from the Contacts module in e-Builder. If address information is missing from that module the PO fields for this information will be blank. If you update the Contacts information in e-Builder you may reprint the PO and the information will appear as updated.
Ship To
This information is derived from the building information that is part of the e-Builder project information. If room information has been added to e-Builder the room information will also print on the purchase order.
Delivery Date
This information is hardcoded. Each purchase order will have "Per Previous Agreement" in this field. Changing this field requires the assistance of an e-B admin.
Shipping Method
This information is hardcoded. Each purchase order will have "N/A" in this field. Changing this field requires the assistance of an e-B admin.
Shipping Terms
This information is hardcoded. Each purchase order will have "N/A" in this field. Changing this field requires the assistance of an e-B admin.
Payment Terms
This information is hardcoded. Each purchase order will have "Net 30" in this field. Changing this field requires the assistance of an e-B admin.
Each commitment line will use the dollar figure and commitment description for the corresponding commitment in e-Builder. Each line will be sequentially numbered beginning with 001.
Project Number
The project number from e-Builder.
Project Name
The project name from e-Builder. The project name may contain the room number.
Project Contact
The proect contact is derived from Project Manager 1 in e-Builder. The phone number is hard coded and is the general switchboard number for MIT DoF.