Spam emails are unfortunately a daily fact of life in our electronic age but fortunately MIT provides a key tool to block emails that continue to come from bad senders. All MIT Exchange email users have access to Spam Quarantine to stop the spam mail before it gets into your Exchange email inbox.
Information about Spam Quarantine can be found here:
IMPORTANT: Please be aware that MIT has changed the way Spam Quarantine is being handled FROM EXTERNAL SENDERS TO MIT. O365 (Office365), a cloud-based solution at Microsoft is now being used instead of Brightmail as of December 10th, 2018.
How do I release messages that are being held as spam or bulk mail by O365 spam filtering?
• Visit
• Your filtered messages are available under Threat Management -> Review -> Quarantine • If you are not already logged in to MIT's Office 365, you will be prompted to sign in.
• Enter your email address
• Click "Next"
• Click "Work or school account"
• You will be taken to Touchstone@MIT to log in.
After you click on the blue square you should see this:
For users who manage a white or black list (good and bad senders list), you will need to create those lists in OWA.
• Visit OWA (
• Gear icon (upper right corner of web page) -> Options -> See All Options...
• Select “block or allow”
• Make sure the Automatically filter junk email radio button is selected
• White listed recipients can be added to “safe senders and recipients,” and denied senders added to “blocked senders.”
• Mail sent to blocked senders should be automatically filtered to the user’s quarantine page at (see above for more information)