Shannon will do work this evening
- Finished CAD, further fleshed out backup "sandwich" bend testing. Set materials and added fasteners
- Talked to Pierce and Todd--dimensions confirmed!
- More structural analysis done
- Pipeline made for mathematical flutter and divergence analysis, incorporated into 2.671 paper (first pass derivations are there too)
- Finsim acquired for more sophisticated flutter and divergence analysis
- Time set to weld with Charlie
- Walked through drag and load derivation again, documentation on this process is in the works
- Started DXF's
- Got strain guaging advice from 2.671 professor
- Checked deep and ID'd some possible bar stock and steel tube we could use. Need to confirm dimensions
- Put together a folder with everything here (still getting fleshed out): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6xiww6krvrcohcu/AAA0p9ePuc8iOCO_tmhkMZe1a?dl=0
- Mcmaster order is not here, we were going to machine tonight -> see if we can start with the stock at the deep
- General time crunch -> priority order and backup sandwich plan
- Pierce says people might need to use the instron we're planning to use -> will look into the Makerworks one, or something else!
- Shannon could really use welding and machining support especially since she is not great at it