Author’s Note: My recommendation for how to use this guide is to think of an item you’d like to find, peruse the middle column of the chart below to see if it obviously falls into a single category, and then search that location in the prop shop. If you don’t have luck there, use the ‘find’ tool to search for the name of the item in the third column. Otherwise, poke around the prop shop as much as you can. You may have to borrow, buy, or fabricate this prop.
Author's Note #2: ALL OF THIS IS OUTDATED AS OF AUGUST 2019. rip haha
Other important notes:
There are empty boxes stored on the cow. Use these to collect and organize props as you prepare for a show, and to transport props to and from the prop shop.
This storage space is shared with another group. Do not leave it a mess, because they need to access their stuff too.
MTG is noted in gray below. All of these items are fair game!
MIT Mystery Hunt is marked in purple. Please do not use these items, do not put MTG items on these shelves, and keep the path to this shelf clear whenever you are not actively working in the prop shop.
MIT SCA (mitgaard) is marked in red. However, this group was disbanded in 2012. Their items do not need to remain accessible.
Please strike properly! You should have plenty of time during strike to clean and put away everything while other tech crews finish up. If you don’t finish strike the night of put-in, please come back the next day to finish!