Wire0: (Wire in code)
- 0x77 BMP280
- 0x68 MPU9250
- 0x53 ADXL275
- 0x42 UBLOXMAX8
- 0x20 MCP23008
Wire2 (Breakout Wire)
- 0x?? BBC
Revision 6.1:
Pyxida 6.1 is a minor revision to Pyxida 6 made in September 2019. It implemented the following changes relative to Pyxida 6:
- Fixed minor Buzzer footprint issues
- Corrected an inductor value error in the CC1200 PA output (L601)
- Replaced BMP280 with MS5607 (7-bit Address 0x76)
- Replaced CC1200 XTAL with TCXO
- Changed through hole SMA to edge launch
- Connected bottom layer of RF section to GND, added via stitching
- Replaced power traces with planes in the 3rd inner layer
Bugs: Footprint of TCXO incorrect, required re-routing of 2 traces.
1 rev2 Suggested Edits:
- Fix TCXO footprint
- Add vias under MCP23008 (Pyro I/O expander) and MPU9250 to wick extra solder from the ground pad
- Had issues with these parts not soldering correctly and getting lifted up due to excess solder on the central pad