Team: Chris Bourg, Curt Newton, Hunt Lambert, John Willinsky, Loic Tallon, MJ Bishop, Cable Green
Meeting #2:
MJ: Why produce Open? Faculty really need good incentives and infrastructure to support this. e.g. OER analog for citation tracking, Willem's study of 10 schools with 39k students; e.g. "my OER simulation was adopted by ## classes impacting ## students" taken into account for Promotion and Tenure cases
Cable: OLI presentation by Candace, for 39 WA school presidents and provosts got leadership support; when they take it back to their schools and faculty, not a single instance was implemented
Open Textbook Library - paid $250 for faculty to review these submitted books
Change in Higher Ed requires persistence more than anything else.
Willem - doing a blended learning analysis of micro- (faculty course) meso- (institute) macro- (national policy) factors, could be relevant
Preparation (MJ & Curt conversation):