Do we have all the big questions on the table? For example, to what extent is Open a thing in itself, vs. an affordance or facilitation for bigger goals? And what are those bigger goals, that could motivate deeper engagement in Open?
- Is this an either/or ... or a both/and? We can (must?) open as a base to accomplish our bigger education / knowledge goals.
We should consider value propositions by use case:
- Why produceOpen?
- Open what? Content, research, data, policies, practices?
- Why use (teach / learn)with Open?
- With open content (OER) or open practices? I think both - and there are different reasons for each.
- Why supportthe Open movement / field?
See the comments after Meeting #1 for breakdowns of constituencies (for whom), flavors of open, timing (tiers)
- Project list or agenda, like a research agenda. For example: better discoverability infrastructure to support professional incentives for faculty to create OER
- Strong statements of "This is what we believe."
- We should look to existing documents that have tacked similar questions:
- http://www.oerstrategy.org/
- Cape Town Declaration
- UNESCO 2012 OER Declaration and UNESCO OER Recommendation (final vote in Nov, 2019)
- We should look to existing documents that have tacked similar questions:
Meeting #1: Define key questions/considerations the Open 2020 Working Group should address. Who is missing? Work products?