The Pyxida could see more satellites on the launch pad than the TeleMega could.
- Configuration lists for the COTS altimeters helped ensure we had the right settings for the TeleMega and Marsa.
- We had Pyxida radio connection at both the away team and the launch line.
- At least one camera was turned on and taking video from Pyxida.
- We got telemetry data from TeleMega at both the away site and launch line.
- The away team received signifcant amounts of packets across the duration of the entire flight.
- Antennas - We color coded these with tape to ensure they were correctly attached to their corresponding SMA connector that went to the TeleMega and Pyxida.
- TeleMega remained on even after the rocket broke apart.
- A lot of new avionics members were trained and hopefully learned a lot throughout the year.
- New Pyxida hardware was designed and manufactured, and fixes were found and made on all the boards over IAP.
- We made a lot of progress with Pyxida radio and did range testing from the green building twice.
- A lot of progress on the ground station was made, a new mock Pyxida was designed to test it, and we succesfully moved from PySide to PyQt
- Over 100 unit tests and a hardware testing script were created for the Pyxida Firrmware
- PCBs and were made to control cameras and sofware was written for them.
Issues and Things to Change