- Packing status of sustainer Marsa is unknown
- We are out of RTV silicone - none shipped
- Waterjet broken - in the future we should NOT plan to waterjet parts the morning of... just saying
- Booster forward insulation incomplete
- Booster nozzle insulation
- Sustainer forward closure
- Epoxy and Proline not shipped due to large quantity and spillage concerns
- Sowing machine broke during critical path manufacturing
- Booster chute incomplete
- Booster sleeve incomplete
- Sustainer drogue sleeve
- Sustainer drogue bag
- Sustainer Drogue
- Sustainer Main
- Staging demo t-fittings not yet ordered
- Staging demo fasteners not ordered
- Radio Beacons: 2 good ones shipped. One broken unit with Dennis G. for repair
- Payload Stack deemed undready for integration. Shipping list not performed. No parts shipped
- Avionics Packing List Item 'Ground Station Box' was not known and could not be located. Attempts to contact avionics personnel failed. May or may not have shipped
- Ground Station Pyxidas not shipped
- Lower Electronics deemed undready for integration. Shipping list not performed. Some parts shipped integrated with FRR.
- All blue dentists tools used for clocking alignment are broken. None shipped