Join the MIT Energy Initiative and explore Initiative in June on a field trip to Iceland, Germany, and Denmark
and their respective clean energy efforts.
When? June 7-19, 2019*
*This is when the abroad trip will take place, but please note that the program as a whole has components taking place both before and after these dates.
Part One: Preparatory Seminar
Before embarking on the field trip on June 7th, participating students will take on a three-day preparatory short-course on campus. This will include talks from relevant professors, industry experts, and researchers on low-carbon energy.
Part Two: Trip to Europe
From June 7th – June 19th, participating students will travel as a cohort to Iceland, Germany and Denmark, engaging with the practical applications of the energy technologies they will have grappled with during the preparatory seminar.
Part Three: German Students Come to MIT
and Denmark to learn more about climate science and low-carbon technologies.
Explore Samsø, Denmark's zero-carbon island, attend talks at Kiel University in Germany, visit energy storage sites in Hamburg, Germany, and tour a nuclear waste repository in Morsleben, Germany. Apply ASAP here! (link Qualtrics application) Space is limited.
June 7–19, 2019
Completion of problem sets and a 5-page write-up.
Note: As a continuation of the field trip, summer UROPs with related research will be available for those interested.