Pyxida Rev. 6 was a major revision completed during the 2018 Fall Semester. It includes a new breakout design using ribbon cables instead of pins to allow for more flexibility in placing breakouts in the avionics bay. It has a new radio chip (CC1200) and a radio amplifier (CC1190) to allow for longer range communication. It has a new backup battery system, and includes a LIPO charging feature, and allows for external batteries to be connected to Pyros if higher voltages are needed.
Revision 6 I2C Addressing:
Wire0: (Wire in code)
- 0x77 BMP280
- 0x68 MPU9250
- 0x53 ADXL275
- 0x42 UBLOXMAX8
- 0x20 MCP23008
Wire2 (Breakout Wire)
- 0x?? BBC
Pyxida runs firmware written in Arduino-dialect C++. It follows a state machine architecture, with software objects that represent physical hardware. States are represented as objects that subclass a base state and provide functions for state entry, exit conditions and destinations, and system behavior while in the state. States can access hardware such as pyro channels and the board's radio through the previously-mentioned hardware objects and use these objects for input and output.