TH-662 filenames with spaces are truncated when downloaded from Thalia
TH-663 Advanced Search: can no longer populate metadata field choices in advanced search.TH-664 Album: cannot enlarge item image by double clicking
TH-666 downloading problems caused by white space trimmed from file namesTH-674 some metadata missing from HST bulk upload to Dublin Core <select> field
TH-675 Thumbnail: dragging multiple items should show multiple thumbnails, or some obvious (to users) visual cue that more than one file is being dragged.TH-708 when logged in as admin, cant view thumbnails inside albums
TH-795 upload is broken on thalia-dev
TH-294 PDF thumbnail creation
TH-673 Edit Metadata: while in SearchTH-689 UAT: show dragging multiple items
TH-702 Make the HELP button much more visible
TH-452 Share for saved searches
TH-625 pull metadata out of image filesTH-738 Need to add "beta" to the slideshow menu item
TH-429 clean up svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia/teamsite/Trunk area
TH-529 add UI implementation for unique URL for images
TH-638 service trade show table at IS&T community forum on Feb. 13
TH-643 Technical Architecture DOcumentation
TH-682 Manage Metadata Pane: message to users should be re-writtenTH-693 UAT: Click on slide; click on layout; have layout for that slide change
TH-713 add new Zip file Help link to bulk upload page <Link creation task> (UAT: Users dont know how to do Zip file)