For collections we use triplicate barcodes (and four for flat boxes)
one barcode goes on the box label (in the blank space between the collection number and the IASC property line),
one goes inside the box (just under the handle of record cartons, or on one of the non-flap/non-lid sides of manuscript or flat boxes), and
one goes on the barcode master sheet for the collection.
Barcode master sheets can be found in the filing cabinets under the Archives Mezz. B&W printer on the mezzanine. They are filed in collection number order; ACs first, then MCs.
Once all the barcodes are placed, update the Top Container record for each box in ArchivesSpace with the barcode number.
There is a barcode scanner on the mezzanine if you want to enter the barcodes that way; they may also be typed manually into the barcode field.
Be sure to file the barcode master sheet back in the Master Barcode Sheets filing cabinet as soon as possible (and re-file it overnight if you are still working with it) as this is the MASTER record copy that ensures our physical custody and audit of the IASC collections.
If addition to existing collection, at the time you are ready to apply new barcodes, pull original barcode sheet for that collection, or the particular series in collection. (These are originals so take out at point of use and refile immediately when barcoding is finished)
If new collection, pull empty barcode sheets with proper box numbers, fill in collection name and number (in pen so it can be easily photocopied)
Apply copy one to the middle of the box label, apply copy two on interior of box, apply copy three to barcode sheet in space next to its matching box number.
Record carton (paige) boxes