IMPORTANT: Please be aware that MIT has changed the way Spam Quarantine is being handled FROM EXTERNAL SENDERS TO MIT. O365, a cloud-based solution at Microsoft is now being used instead of Brightmail as of December 10th, 2018.
How do I release messages that are being held as spam or bulk mail by O365 spam filtering?
• Visit https://protection.office.com/
• If you are not already logged in to MIT's Office 365, you will be prompted to sign in.
• Enter your @mit.edu email address
• Click "Next"
• Click "Work or school account"
• You will be taken to Touchstone@MIT to log in.
• Your filtered messages are available under Threat Management -> Review -> Quarantine
For users who manage a white or black list, you will need to create those lists in OWA.
• Visit OWA
• Gear icon -> options -> “block or allow”
• Make sure the Automatically filter junk email radio button is selected
• White listed recipients can be added to “safe senders and recipients,” and denied senders added to “blocked senders.”
• Mail sent to blocked senders should be automatically filtered to the user’s quarantine page at https://protection.office.com/ (see above for more information)
IMPORTANT: For the time being, Email WITHIN MIT is still being handled by Brightmail.