To determine the shock force, we need the to know the upwards acceleration applied by the parachute during opening (subtracting off the effect of gravity). Then we can calculate the opening shock factor using the opening shock force formula.
To do this, we need to smooth the data even more than originally as the double differentiation to find vertical acceleration introduces a good bit of noise.
E-match voltage anomaly
Post flight data review notes abnormal voltage readings on Telemetrum apogee channel. Despite commanding an apogee event, the Telemetrum continued reading 4.2V across the channel for the remainder of flight. The e-match should register a significant increase in resistance within 10 mS of exceeding it's no-fire current of no fire current here. This suggests that the initiator misfired. A fishbone analysis was conducted to classify the nature of the issue. Evidence collection is ongoing, however it appear probable that the Telemetrum e-match is internally shorted, either autogenously or to the piston.