Elizabeth Kendall - SRI - elizabeth.kendall@sri.com
Anthea Coster - MIT - ajc@haystack.mit.edu
Philip Erickson - MIT - pje@haystack.mit.edu
Joshua Semeter - Boston University - jls@bu.edu
Bill Rideout - MIT - brideout@haystack.mit.edu
- Roger Varney - SRI - roger.varney@sri.com
- Ashton Reimer - SRI - ashton.reimer@sri.com
- Supriya Chakrabarti - UML - Supriya_Chakrabarti@uml.edu
- Ivan Galkin - UML - Ivan_Galkin@uml.edu
- Ryan Volz - MIT - rvolz@haystack.mit.edu
- John Swoboda - MIT - swoboj@mit.edu
- Shunrong Zhang - MIT - shunrong@mit.edu
IS spectrum Java applet
- Python Incoherent Scatter tools from Mike and Roger
10:15 Data Analysis and Fitting 2 (John Swoboda and Ryan Volz)
11:30 Millstone Science part 1 (Phil Erickson) and part 2 (Shunrong Zhang)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Work on presentations (coffee available for break)