- At BOT, assign term jobs, talk about the upcoming show and major events. If you would like, you can set goals for the semester.
- Think carefully about term jobs. Giving difficult jobs to responsible people will make your life easier. Assigning Set Shop Master to a responsible person who lives in East Campus is a good idea because proximity for this job is key.
- At EOT, recap the show and spear new members. At Fall EOT, get people to find locations for Spring retreat.
- Try to avoid contentious discussion and keep the meetings short, especially BOT and EOT. If there is a tough matter to discuss, try to limit it to just the relevant people.
- Retreat should be reserved for discussions which can be productive with a large group.
- Even if it has been in the past, retreat does not need to be long.
- Be pragmatic. If you discuss something, try to drive the discussion towards concrete action items.