Spam is your friend. people People will probably reply to you complaining, but not that many. youYou'll also get some bouncing emails and "away from office" emails. but it's totally worth it.
BCC is your friend. this will hide the fact that you are misusing MIT mailing lists. If you want to avoid typing each mailing list below into an email every time, you can BCC <shakespeare-listeners@mit.edu> instead, which contains the lists that can be frequently spammed.
Lists to send emails to should include:
<ensemble@mit.edu> - members of the ensemble
<ensemble-dartes@mit.edu> - shakedartes, people who are interested in joining the Ensemble
<ensemble-friends@mit.edu> - people who have participated in our shows but aren't interested in joining or being full members
<town-crier@mit.edu> - a not well known ensemble list that has people who just want show publicity, and no spam about being involved in shows.
Lists to spam less often:
<ensemble-alum-ma@mit.edu> - ensemble alums in the boston area
<ensemble-alum@mit.edu> - ensemble alums all over (it's good to remind officers to update both of these, as they often forget)
Dorm Lists:<ensemble-dormspam@mit.edu>