- 1) Membership in the Society shall be open to all members of the MIT community. A member is a person who pays dues and participates in MITSOC the Society activities and events.
- 2) The Society shall always have at least five members, a majority of whom must be MIT students.
- 3) The Society will not discriminate based upon any characteristic in the MIT Nondiscrimination Statement.
- 4) If the Society establishes a membership fee, students Students unable to afford the dues of the fee Society will be exempted from it.
Article III: Officers
- 1) The Society shall have a president, treasurer and a treasurersecretary, who shall be distinct MIT students.
- 2) The President
- a) The president shall be the official representative of the Society to MIT.
- b) The president shall see that meetings are held at appropriate intervals and that such meetings are appropriately announced to the members of the Society.
- c) The president or his or her designee shall preside at all meetings.
- 3) The Treasurer
- a) The treasurer will keep all financial records of the Society.
- b) The treasurer will sign all checks or vouchers issued by the Society.
- c) At an interval to be determined by the Society's members, but not less than once per school year, the treasurer shall issue a statement about the Society's finances.
- 4) The Secretary
- a) The Secretary or his or her designee shall take minutes at all business meetings of the Society. The minutes shall include the outcomes of all votes made and provide a clear explanation of decisions taken. The minutes shall also include a list of those attending the meeting.
- b) The Secretary shall in an appropriate manner make the minutes available to the Society's members before the next meeting of the Society is held.
- 5) Other Offices
- a) The Society may create other positions of leadership or offices or titled positions without amending this constitution, as long as the powers and duties of such new offices do not conflict with the constitution.
- b) The president and treasurer of the Society may not hold any such new offices during their respective terms as president and treasurer.
- 6) Elections
- a) Elections shall be held the second week of each incoming semester.
- b) Elections shall can be held when only if one-fourth of active members are present. If there are two or fewer candidates, then the candidate with the majority shall take the office. If there are more than two candidates, the two candidates receiving the most votes shall go advance to a run-off until a winner can be determined by simple majorityrunoff election.
- c) A letter of intent to run for office must be submitted to the secretary 48 hours prior to an election.
- 7) Removal of Officers
- a) A formal voice vote must be made in order to remove an officer. The votes of two-thirds of those present shall be necessary to pass the motion. The outcome of this vote, and the names and votes of those participating, shall be recorded in the minutes.
- 1) A regular schedule should be established for meetings, but meetings should not be held less than once every two weeks while the Institute is in session.
- 2) Meetings shall be announced by e-mail at least 48 hours in advance.
- 3) Procedures for running meetings:
- a) Quorum for meetings shall be one-fourth of active members. All active members may vote.
- b) In order to encourage a collegial atmosphere and avoid exorbitant bureaucracy, decisions shall be made by consensus where possible.
- c) On some questions it is necessary to use a more formal system. A "formal voice vote" shall be conducted as follows:
- i) A motion must be set down in writing and introduced by a member of the Society.
- ii) The motion must be seconded.
- iii) The president or other presiding officer shall read the motion aloud to the meeting.
- iv) The secretary or acting secretary will call on each present member in turn. Each member will state if they support, oppose, or will abstain from voting on the motion.
- v) A majority of votes cast must be in favor of the motion for it to pass, unless otherwise specified in this constitution.
- vi) Abstaining does not count as casting a vote.
- vii) The results of the vote, and the names of those voting for, against, and abstaining shall be written down in the minutes.
- viii) Absentee votes can be submitted electronically prior to and during the meeting.
- d) A formal voice vote on any issue shall be taken if one-fourth of those present desire it.
- e) A formal voice vote must be taken to approve anything that would involve spending the Society's money.