Mathinline | ||
CD,eff,main ≈ 1.44
Then, given its CdS of approximately 9, the main will definitely take all of the load of the dry rocket, so we can calculate for landing velocity:
Mathinline | ||
V ≈ 8.47 m/s = 28 ft/s
This is
2 Because Raziel separated in two locations rather than just one, this number may vary from what will be seen on Hermes, which has a single separation point and a different height. We're using it here as an approximation for right now. One idea is to use a pitot tube to test for wind speed and rig the parachute up on a windy day with a fish scale or load cell. If a convenient opportunity during spring semester presents itself for this, we can do that. Or we can just use new flight test data from when we fly it (assuming it works...)