Versions Compared


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  • A forthcoming article will not yet have a DOI or URL.
  • When the DOI is broken you may need to search for the correct link. Alternatively you can fix the broken link by typing number from the publisher's website).
    • Example:
  • Always make sure you are using the DOI that points to the English version of an article if there are multiple DOIs (See MITOA Best Practices: MITOA_02.1 for additional information)


  • Determine which authors of an item are "MIT Authors" by looking at the author list on the publisher website or item. Sometimes the item pdf or doc will have the authors listed on the last page instead of the first page.
    • Author affiliation is often indicated by a number or symbol, following the name, which corresponds to a list of affiliated institutions listed below or at the end of the article.
    •  In some cases authors are listed in groups by their affiliation. Often this information is found on the first page of an item or in a footnote  but you may have need to view the end of an article to locate the affiliation information.
  • All MIT-associated authors of an item will need to be checked in the MIT directory (the form of name in the directory is what we are considering the authorized form of the name) or using the author affiliation search in DSpace.
    • When searching an author name in the MIT directory do not use the middle initial or middle name (sometimes it is best just to search for the last name).
  • Enter the names as provided in the directory regardless of the form of the name found in the item. However, when the author name provided for an article is an Americanized version of the name but listed in the directory as a foreign name the Americanized version should be used.
  • Enter the name in the following form: Last, First M., Jr.
  • Remove all accents from the names and replace with appropriate unaccented letter(s)
    • Examples:
      • ç should be changed to c if French, ch if Turkish and ts if Romanian
      • č should be changed to ch
      • ä should be changed to ae
      • ö should be changed to oe
      • ü should be changed to ue
      • ñ should be changed to n
  • If the name is not in the MIT directory but the author was affiliated with MIT at the time the article was written then the name should be entered as an MIT Author name. Often there are names of students who have since graduated from the Institute. You may want to search the entire MIT site for the name to double check that an author was a student or faculty at the point when the article was researched/written.

  • If you are unable to determine if A. Smith is Adam or Alison use only the initial A.
    • Tip: Sometimes a distinction can be made if the author's email address or DLC is listed on the item.
  • If there is a name (Green, Daniel) that yields more than one result of an identical or similar name using the author affiliation search in DSpace or the MIT directory then do not assume which one is the author of the article. Instead enter the name as an MIT author exactly as it appears in the article.
    • Tip: There may be multiple authors with the same or very similar names so check the dates and department information to make sure the correct name is entered.
  • When the article lists more than 30 authors only add MIT authors. All MIT authors must be entered even if there are more than 30 authors.
  • Exceptions:
    • If an Author is listed on the item as being part of MIT through the Whitehead Institute, the Ragon Institute, or the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute but does not show up in the MIT directory, do not enter him
    • /her/they as an MIT Author. Many Whitehead, Ragon, and Woods Hole employees are also MIT affiliates and will show in the directory.
    • The MIT-Singapore Alliance and Howard Hughes Medical Institute are not considered MIT affiliate institutions and should not be entered.
  • When the article lists more than 30 authors only add MIT authors. All MIT authors must be entered even if there are more than 30 authors.
    • Broad Institute: Broad Institute authors will be entered as a MIT Authors only when the published date of a submission is prior to July 1, 2009. Some Broad authors are affiliated with MIT's Biology Department. In that case, enter only the Biology affiliation.
