Mixing Date | Serial Numbers | Site | Result |
9-29-2017 | 98-PT #1, #2 | 17-110 | First two 98 mm grains mixed. Improper equivalent weight calculation lead to soft cure. |
11-7-2017 | 98-PT #3 | 17-110 | Mixing to characterize EZ-Cast. Used old mixer. |
11-12-2017 | 98-PT #4 | 17-110 | Used old mixer. Improvements to casting process. Slightly lower solids loading |
11-14-2017 | 98-PT #5-7 | 17-110 | First mixing with new mixer. 3 characterization grain for characterization testing. |
11-22-2017 | 98-PT #8-10 | 17-110 | 3 grains for characterization testing. Stopped using EZ-Cast. |
11-28-2017 | 98-PT #11, #12 | 17-110 | Used finalized casting procedures |
12-6-2017 | OW-152 #1, #2 | 17-110 | First 6 inch grains. Densities were consistent with the 98mm grains used for characterization. |
12-8-2017 | OW-152 #3-5 | 17-110 | Next 3 6 inch grains. 2 dogbones were also cast. Results pending. |
12-20-2017 | OW-152 #6-8, OW-98-FIN1 | 17-110 | The "MegaMix" |
Test # | Date | Site | Result |
Characterization Static Fire #1 | November 25, 2017 | Crow Island | Nozzle Failure |
Characterization Static Fire #2 | November 25, 2017 | Crow Island | Nozzle Failure |
Characterization Static Fire #3 | November 25, 2017 | Crow Island | Motor success, pressure transducer failure |
Characterization Static Fire #4 | November 25, 2017 | Crow Island | Motor success |
Characterization Static Fire #5 | December 2, 2017 | Crow Island | Motor Success! Highest pressure to date: 695 psi |
Characterization Static Fire #6 | December 2, 2017 | Crow Island | Success, excellent BATES curve |
OW-152-4G #1 | December 16, 2017 | Crow Island | Pending |