Primary Failure Mode
Consequence #1: Load Path Failure
Consequence #2: Main Escape Failure
Consequence #3: Main Performance Failure
As with all Recovery operations, the tangling of various lines (webbing, shroud lines, etc.) is a potential cause of failure. To date, the primary webbing failure mode that has been identified is shown to the left, whereby, prior to main parachute deployment, the webbing from the fin can wraps itself around and tangles with the webbing connecting the drogue parachute to the mission package. Three potential consequences of this failure mode are depicted and described below.
Note: these images are not to scale. The lengths of lines and components will be very different for the flight vehicle (learn more about our webbing lengths here). Furthermore, during descent under drogue, the relative forces on each falling body may be similar enough that all parts (mission package, drogue, and fin can) are tumbling together in a more chaotic arrangement than what is featured here.