Versions Compared


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Cleaned-up Notes:



FILTERS (all dropdowns + check all that apply options)

  1. Subject Matter
    1. Business
    2. Technology
    3. Science (Dropdown)

-       Physical Science

-       Earth Science

-       Environmental Science

-       Life Science

-       Chemistry

-       General

  1. Math
  2. Social Studies
  3. Art
  4. Engineering
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Grade Level
    1. K – 12
    2. Setting
      1. Classroom
      2. After school
      3. Summer school
      4. Camp
      5. Museum
      6. Library
      7. Club
      8. Youth Organization (Boy/Girl Scouts, YMCA)
      9. Type
        1. Course
        2. Enrichment
        3. Field Trip
        4. Content Type
          1. Post
          2. Project

-       Standard Project

-       “My Eureka Moment”

  1. Podcast
  2. Video

-       Webinar





  1. Create a Post
    1. Title
    2. Body
    3. Image
    4. Links (max 3)
    5. Attachments (max 5)
    6. Topics (dropdown menu)
    7. Create a Project
      1. Title
      2. Problem, options for phrasing include:

-       “Problem I’m Solving”

-       “What problem are you solving?”

-       “What problem were your students working to solve?”

  1. Invention- “What did your students invent?”
  2. Process or Activities, options for phrasing include:

-       “What was the invention process?”

-       “What were your experiences?”

-       “How did your students go about inventing?”

-       “Tell us the invention story”

  1. Created
  2. Location
  3. Links
  4. Attachments
  5. Topics (dropdown menu)
  6. My Eureka Moment
    1. Title
    2. Image
    3. Body (limit 500 words)
    4. Member Sign Up (necessary)
      1. First Name
      2. Last Name
      3. Email
      4. Edit Profile/Expand Member Profile (optional)
        1. School/Organization
        2. Grade Level
        3. About Me
        4. Subject
        5. Location: City/State/Country
        6. Social Links
        7. Websites





  1. Consolidate filters as much as possible
  2. Once approved, send finalized Filters and Fields to designer
  3. Once approved, send to developer
  4. December:

a)    Make dev site available to Master Educators

b)    Master Educators start populating dev site with content

  1. January:

a)    Site goes live

Original Notes:

Possible filters



  •  Other invention organizations/competitions
  • Local/national
  • Subject Matter: Business, Technology, Science with another dropdown (Physical Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Life Science, Chemistry, General), Math, Social Studies, Art, Engineering, Entrepreneurship – dropdowns that are closed so people can not choose them if they don’t want to
  • Grade Level/Age Group -> Dropdown, check all that apply – individual (K – 12)
  • Location: In-School (course-specific)/Out of School (summer school, after school) – tied to a course (like summer credit or enrichment) –
  • Setting: Classroom, After School, Camp, Museum, Library, Club, Youth Organization (Boy/Girl Scouts, YMCA)
  • Type: Course, Enrichment, Field Trip
  • Time/duration: hours/week
