Cleaned-up Notes:
FILTERS (all dropdowns + check all that apply options)
- Subject Matter
- Business
- Technology
- Science (Dropdown)
- Physical Science
- Earth Science
- Environmental Science
- Life Science
- Chemistry
- General
- Math
- Social Studies
- Art
- Engineering
- Entrepreneurship
- Grade Level
- K – 12
- Setting
- Classroom
- After school
- Summer school
- Camp
- Museum
- Library
- Club
- Youth Organization (Boy/Girl Scouts, YMCA)
- Type
- Course
- Enrichment
- Field Trip
- Content Type
- Post
- Project
- Standard Project
- “My Eureka Moment”
- Podcast
- Video
- Webinar
- Create a Post
- Title
- Body
- Image
- Links (max 3)
- Attachments (max 5)
- Topics (dropdown menu)
- Create a Project
- Title
- Problem, options for phrasing include:
- “Problem I’m Solving”
- “What problem are you solving?”
- “What problem were your students working to solve?”
- Invention- “What did your students invent?”
- Process or Activities, options for phrasing include:
- “What was the invention process?”
- “What were your experiences?”
- “How did your students go about inventing?”
- “Tell us the invention story”
- Created
- Location
- Links
- Attachments
- Topics (dropdown menu)
- My Eureka Moment
- Title
- Image
- Body (limit 500 words)
- Member Sign Up (necessary)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Edit Profile/Expand Member Profile (optional)
- School/Organization
- Grade Level
- About Me
- Subject
- Location: City/State/Country
- Social Links
- Websites
- Consolidate filters as much as possible
- Once approved, send finalized Filters and Fields to designer
- Once approved, send to developer
- December:
a) Make dev site available to Master Educators
b) Master Educators start populating dev site with content
- January:
a) Site goes live
Original Notes:
Possible filters
- Other invention organizations/competitions
- Local/national
- Subject Matter: Business, Technology, Science with another dropdown (Physical Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Life Science, Chemistry, General), Math, Social Studies, Art, Engineering, Entrepreneurship – dropdowns that are closed so people can not choose them if they don’t want to
- Grade Level/Age Group -> Dropdown, check all that apply – individual (K – 12)
- Location: In-School (course-specific)/Out of School (summer school, after school) – tied to a course (like summer credit or enrichment) –
- Setting: Classroom, After School, Camp, Museum, Library, Club, Youth Organization (Boy/Girl Scouts, YMCA)
- Type: Course, Enrichment, Field Trip
- Time/duration: hours/week