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An important goal of MITP is to have its educational programs produce people capable of leading change in their fields. In one focus area, Bio Engineering, students have had in-person leadership training with MIT Prof. Dava Newman. Prof. Newman is interested in expanding this program to other students when possible, and certainly intensive in-person experiences like this are of great impact. But several groups within MIT wish to experiment with leadership initiatives delivered through virtual means, particularly such virtual worlds as Second Life, or as a hybrid of in-person and virtual delivery. I am exploring such opportunities and hope to develop a sense through initial meetings with MITP students what leadership qualities they think are most necessary/helpful in your work and professional/personal development; what leadership roles you have had so far; and how you could see leadership programs integrated into your work in the Program.

Kat Donnelly:  Potential Leadership Program:  Please see this page: Added

Team building and effective work in teams
