Sunday, January 27th, 2008: Terrascope Room
Projects to Work On
Spark Class—Claire and Tracey working on it
Letter Campaign
- Need to have something that people can look at—brochures? Poster?
- Get copies of material from Blue Ocean Institute?
- Make a pamphlet?
- Signature collection?
- Collect change for postage?
- Possible designs:
- Petition format
- One letter per person/choose who to send it to
- Send large number of letters to small number of people
- Spam everyone with
- Enclose personal letter from constituents?
- Targets:
- Coastal state senators/representatives
- Important committee/subcommittee heads
House—S&T, Energy Independence & Global Warming—Edward Markey
Senate—Commerce, Science, & Transportation - Alex V. will find committees to contact
- Must find out everyone's current position on this issue
- Would let us personalize the letters
- What should the letters say?
- Make specific requests?
- Urge them to take the issue seriously?
- Create a letter
- Identify targets
- Must get space in Lobby 10—Alex J. will work on
- Work on identifying relevant legislation--Danielle
Must become some sort of entity--Todd
- Need better name
- Need a mailing address
- What is involved in becoming a student group?
- Sponsored group?
- Would it be more useful to become some sort of lobbying group?
Wednesday, January 23,
2008: Terrascope Room
1. Discussed alternatives to making a website. Why not do something entirely new and different??? Youtube, teen magazines, propose the making of a documentary; anything but yet another website.
2. Registered a class for Spark in which we would play the fish game with a group of high schoolers. Spark is March 8th. Later changes or additions can be made to Spark registration until Feb. 14th.
Sunday, January 13th,
2008: Terrascope Room
See attached notes on:
1. Minutes of the meeting
2. Topics we're putting on Website
3. Topics for PDF (and basically RESEARCH topics)
- Could be expanded
- More EBFM, problem focus
- Effect of fishing on fish population—other population---other than making fish population smaller
- Genetics—not Genetics---not enough evidence, must get better research
- Sources must be improved
- Establish how proposal could work in the United States
- More thorough discussion of problems
- Compare aquaculture with other food sources
Avoid producing non-new recommendations
Read Pew Oceans Commission report
- U.S. laws are also good—Magnusongood---Magnuson-Stevens, environmental laws
Disproportionate attention issue—look issue---look more into technology/economics to counterbalance environment
- Introduction/Summary Section
- Website—link Website---link all aspects of problem together
- MPAs
- Website—Types Website---Types of MPA-reserve vs. protected area, U.S. reserves, benefits of MPA, arguments against them, interview fishermen, show nonregulated areas and how they could be improved with regulations, protected areas vs. reserves advantages and disadvantages, ecotourism
- PDF—Research PDF---Research more on 10% plan, pick number or choose criteria, or select specific areas
- International
- Website—discuss Website---discuss what's out there, discuss Law of the Sea, Straddling fish stocks agreement, etc., review international nature of fishing industry, discuss flag hopping, Japanese whaling issue
- PDF—endorse PDF---endorse signing Law of Sea
- Social Issues
- Website—social Website---social implications of fishing, overfishing, stopping fishing, fishing culture/cultural importance of fish, fishing history, interviews with fishermen, put in some numbers to provide quantitative legitimacy, sports fishing, tourism, case studies on Japan/China
- PDF—Address PDF---Address the impact on the fishing industry, options for displaced fishermen, cultural considerations for U.S. fishing communities
- U.S. Policy
- Website—summarize Website--summarize U.S. fishing policy—lawspolicy--laws, regulations, etc.
- Education
- Website—resources Website---resources for teachers?
- Technology
- Website—current Website---current technology/how we know where the fish are
- Boat tracking will go in IUU
- PDF—more PDF---more work needed
- Website—current Website---current technology/how we know where the fish are
- Management
- Website—EBFM Website--EBFM needs more work (why single stock is inadequate, fishing down the food chain), GPS deemphasize (look at other options), problems with IUU fishing, time and area closures, explanation of stock assessments—use assessments-use examples, put quotas in this section—discuss section--discuss subsidies in economics
- PDF—ITQsPDF---ITQs, other quotas, etc., NOT taxes, subsidies (need more information)
- IUU Fishing (pending more research)
- Website—how Website---how much (if any) in U.S. is IUU, U.S. consumption of IUU fish caught elsewhere, GPS tracking
- Aquaculture
- Website—geneticsWebsite---genetics, problems, viable sources of food other than aquaculture, situation in China, discuss hatcheries, engineered fish
- PDF—decide PDF---decide if we endorse it
- Climate
- Website—more Website---more about fish, more specifics, ocean acidification, influx of fresh water, implications for aquaculture etc.
- PDF—PleasePDF---Please, solve global warming!
- Environment
- Website--Research specific issues more—get more--get more on freshwater & deep seas, effects of oil drilling/spills, cruise ships
- PDF—PDF---(must first go through all current environmental legislation) Make specific recommendations
- Economics
- PDF—costs PDF---costs of plans, justification
- What You Can Do
- Website--Recycle, energy efficiency, etc.
- ecosystem based management: more thorough and complex
- quotas --> use ITQs - -> issues with selling them or with allocation in general