Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Like style 2 best.

The green label ribbon at top should not be colored green – it competes with other calls to action

The "video" and "podcast" icons in style 1 should be applied to 2.

We imagine using these cards on our topic pages.
#ImageSpecifications and BehaviorsLaura Comments
Top Nav
  1. Logo is clickable — goes to Home Page (revised)
  2. Learn goes to Learn Lander (new page)
    1. None of the nav items has a rollover dropdown
  3. Connect goes to Member page (revised)
  4. Search bar goes to Search Results (new page)
  5. Utility Icons click to:
    1. Notifications page (no changes)
    2. Messages page (no changes)
    3. My Profile page (no changes)
    4. MIT logo goes to


We will keep the black CTA banner for non-logged in state.


Ning We need a version for non-logged in state.


Home Page
  1. Hero image is cropped smaller
  2. Tagline is the same; Button copy should be "Browse all posts"
    1. Unless Laura wants different...
  3. Object Card 2 Primary Compact Cards (see design below).
    1. We should be able to select from existing cards, as in current state.
  4. Member preview
    1. Member count still clicks to Member page (revised)
    2. Can we show most active members (minus ClimateX team members)?
  5. Recent activities
    1. Make title clickable
    2. Should link to Recent Activities page (orphan page)
    3. Recent Activities page uses Notifications feed template, but simply lists all activities – comments, new posts, new videos, new podcasts
  6. Footer links are:
    1. Terms and conditions
    2. About
    3. Get involved
    4. (What are we doing with Courses? – we need to create a Course object.)
  7. Feedback link
    1. We're moving from a button to a link.
    2. Copy as shown
Compact CardImage Added
  1. Author – image and name
  2. Title of card – clicks to Card Detail page (post, project, podcast, video)
    1. Ning – should title have hover state? It doesn't signify clickable right now
  3. Add comment button
    1. Click anchor links to "Add Comment" button at bottom of Card Detail page. (doesn't actually let you make a comment yet)
  4. Comment icon
    1. Shows number of comments
    2. Clickable icon goes to "Add Comment" button at bottom of Card Detail page
    3. Laura and Ning - should the "Add Comment" button be a "Read Post" button?
  5. Like icon
    1. Shows number of likes
    2. Clickable icon goes to "Like Post" button at <where?> on Card Detail page
  6. Date
    1. Date shown should be date that card was created (or last edited by author).
    2. Laura and Ning, do we agree?– This makes thing look "fresher" on the page right?
  7. Image
    1. Clicks to Card Detail
  8. Card Type Banner
    1. Clarifies whether card is a video, post, podcast, or project
    2. Ning needs to create new version that includes this



Learn LanderImage Added

Ning and Laura

  1. I feel like this Learn Lander should have a header – when clicking in from the Learn Top Nav – that distinguishes it a little from a Search results page.
  2. How many entries per page before we show the pagination – 10 entries?
  3. I'd like to think about a sort toggle in the top right of the page
    1. Most recent - either date of last comment or date posted if now comments
    2. Most active – whichever post has the most comments
    3. Other ideas
      1. (Most popular? – some combo of liked and active...we might want to wait on this for a bit)
      2. (Most viewed – we should see if Mike can use this metric for sorting)
    4. The toggle should make it clear which sort is currently active.


  1. Results feedback
    1. When arriving on this page from Learn top nav click, text should read:
      1. "<##> Posts, Videos and Podcasts to explore"
    2. Following interaction with filters, text should read:
      1. <##> results
    3. Results should be sorted
      1. In reverse chronological order – most recent first
      2. Date is
  2. Topics filter
    1. Lists topics (Ning - place in alphabetical order)
    2. Ning - remove numbers beside each topic
    3. Behavior:
      1. One clicked box shows all entries with that Topic as primary or secondary selection
      2. Two clicked boxes shows all entries with EITHER Topic A or Topic B – (super set of either Topics, NOT a subset of only those with both)
  3. Type filter
    1. Lists types
      1. Currently Video, Podcast or Post only
      2. Laura and Ning - we need to create a Course object
  4. Card banner – Post, Video or Podcast
  5. Card Author– image and name and date of card creation
  6. Card image
    1. With Icon overlay to show what type of object it is
    2. Ning - I think a Post should have a different icon – the "college cap" icon should be a "Course" – Post should be like a "document" icon.
  7. Card details
    1. Title (Ning – is this clickable)
  8. Add Comment button
    1. Click anchor links to "Add Comment" button at bottom of Card Detail page. (doesn't actually let you make a comment yet)
  9. Icons
    1. Comment icon
      1. Shows number of comments
      2. Clickable icon goes to "Add Comment" button at bottom of Card Detail page
      3. Laura and Ning - should the "Add Comment" button be a "Read Post" button?
    2. Like icon
      1. Shows number of likes
      2. Clickable icon goes to "Like Post" button at <where?> on Card Detail page


We like the member profile square.

It should be a smaller box – and the image should be larger in proportion to the box.

We can replace the progress bar with a number for posts and comments.



This pagination is great.

We'd like to see it say "Page 1 of __"


How to like a post?

What happens to your Member page?

Recent Activity page?

Force only one choice for secondary topic

Create Course object