Wiki Markup |
{calendar:id=myWanaAPS|title=Wana for APS|defaultView=month} |
Ordered list of goals leading to publication of W (and Z?) from pp500 STAR data from Run 9
Goal 1: Release the plot with Jacobian peak for Ws with yield on the Y-axis.
Key decisions
- use 'best' 80% of STAR data
List of task, TBD: assigned man power, dead lines
- relative gains
- absolute gains + uncertainty
- tune W-algo
- find optimal working point for cuts
- evaluate stability of W yield vs. cut changes
- uniformity of W yield vs.
- time, also time-in-fill
- bXing, ratio per reconstructed vertex
- eta-phi (low/high pileup fills, beam background signature)
- identify cosmic events in final event sample
- visual inspection of all events identified as Ws (Lego plot of all detector layers)
- Simulations
- Vet algo MC/Data
- estimate efficiency of W-algo as used
- Background model for what's under the Jacobian peak
Goal 2: PRL paper #1
Title: First Observation of W boson production in polarized proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=500 GeV
- data shown: W x-section, A_L(W) combined for W+ & W-
- emphasis on observation of parity violating SSA in a collider
- describe experiment, analysis technique
List of figures
- single W event - Lego-plot with detector response
- M-C to data comparison , 2-4 small panels
- Jacobian peak showing x-section vs. ET
- AL W+ & W- combined, 1 or 2 bins in ET with overlay of theory curves
Key decisions
- we aim to circulate draft in spin PWG ASAP
- we will use only BTOW, TPC, perhaps ETOW for away ET veto. BSMD will not be used.
- no reason to request another production for paper #1
- Z's (if confirmed) will not be included in paper #1. BTW, the same holds if Z-signal is not confirmed.
- do we use the same W-algo (sam cuts) for x-section and A_L results?
- can we publish A_L using online CNI pol values ?
List of task, TBD: assigned man power, status
(Note, some of those tasks are needed for Goal 1 and should be moved to the upper section)
- Evaluate improvement in ET of 2x2/3x3 clustering vs. QCD-background rejection
- Evaluate improvement in ET of 2x2/3x3 clustering vs. QCD-background rejection
- identify reason for inefficiency at eta~0, but no replay of BFC
- compare TPC track position accuracy data/MC
- Vertex finder (PPV) vetting/debugging
- Q: is 3cm accuracy enough for x-section paper?
- acceptance correction when triggered on L2W trigger
- Trigger
- relative spin dependent lumi (based on BHT3 in muDst), QA
- absolute cross section from BHT3
- determine BHT3 cross section from Vernier scan
- estimate error, beam background contribution to BHT3 X-section
- vet BHT3 & BBC abs X-section
- spin bits or bXing --> spin pattern mapping
- ZDC local polarimeter
- magnitude non longitudinal beam polarization
- magnitude non longitudinal beam polarization
- Simulations
- acceptance corrections (will need input from TPC track position accuracy)
- acceptance corrections (will need input from TPC track position accuracy)
- RHIC Polarization
- pol pattern per fill
- CNI Polarization values, QA
- Theory
- get calculation done for our bins
- vary input PDFs, average sign
- effect of non longitudinal beam polarization
- Organization
- refine this list
- assemble .tex files with outline of the paper
Goal 3: PRL paper #2
Title: ... TBD...
data shown
- ratio of x-section(W-)/W+
- AL(W+), AL(W-)
- (if found) Z x-section
-Describe charge sign discrimination technique (vertex+TPC+BSMD point)
-Implication of x-section results in leading order interpretation
List of figures
- ratio of x-section W+/W- vs. ET
- AL(W+), AL(W-), overlay theory
- Z-event example: Lego-plot with detector response
Key decisions
- draft of paper #1 will be available in few months
- new data production w/ improved TPC & vertex is desired
- we will use BSMD for e+/e- --> requires new tracking afterburner
- ...
- do we need more filtered M-C QCD events for better background estimation for Zs ?
- do we see Zs in the Endcap?
(One leg with good track in the barrel, another w/o track in the endcap.)
List of task, TBD: assigned man power, status
( only those not mentioned in goal 1 or 2)
- attempt e+/e- discrimination based on SL09b production
- improve TPC calibration 'by 1 notch'
- identify & correct reason for missing track at mid rapidity
- evaluate accuracy of the beam line constrain
- request new production
- (if needed) run ~4x more filtered QCD background events for better estimation of background for Zs (also y2009 geometry may be now better)