Gerhard Kronschnabl and Alexander Neidhardt - 24 Feb 2016
Current status: Some delays were experienced with the antenna manufacturing as well as the civil works, though not by too much. Final civil works are currently being completed in and around the site. The antenna should arrive around April 2017 and assembly is expected to take about 3 months. Civil works have been completed with the last of the painting finished in April. The first batch of containers have arrived from China and Germany this last week (19 and 20 April). The azimuth and elevation cabin is expected to arrive on site in the first week of May.
At the moment the assembly team from CETC54 and MT Mechatronics are on site and the assembly work will take place during the next 3 months. The wooden formwork for the tower structure was not completed in time for concrete to be poured in December 2016. In South Africa, construction companies close for most of December and the first week of January hence work resumed around the first week of January with the last concrete being poured on 23 January 2017. Factory Acceptance Tests were also successfully concluded at CETC54 in China in January.
Photos from HartRAO VGOS site (10 February 21 April 2017)
Currently there is a camera installed on site, however there is no network connectivity yet. For updated videos and photos please visit (I have unfortunately not had time to update these photos and videos recently though we are working towards getting a live stream feed operational within the next month - before the big lift):
Philip Mey - 10 Feb 21 Apr 2017
- Operation of Ishioka antenna is now under interruption because of construction of operation building, and will resume after April.
- Modification of cryogenic dewar for QRFH system is being done.