In terms of tech, usually all we have for scene nights is props and costumes. You should also have directors list props and costumes necessary for their scenes in the spreadsheet above. This will be helpful to reference on the day of Scene Night. If there is other tech like sound or lights, do whatever is necessary to make that happen. For example, a lighting designer should probably come to the dress rehearsal so that they can see what lighting is necessary/possible.
It's the night of the performance!
- Make sure we have a lighting person if we get a lighting budget. I suppose they should come to the dress rehearsal if possible so they can get some lighting ideas.
- I haven't done this, but if you need help we did have lighting during the 24-hour show during REX 2016, so I may be of some help in figuring out how this might work.
Have all actors and any techies meet in the Ensemble Office
1.5 hours before it the show starts. People will gather props and costumes and then head over to the performance room together.
Once in the show space, it may be helpful to do a transition run, especially if the dress rehearsal was in a different room or if not everyone was at the dress rehearsal
You should
also bring printed copies of the scene order and who moves what during the transitions for actors to reference. Finally, make sure you have printed programs.
Break many legs! And win the hearts of all the pre-frosh and frosh who want to join us!