Plasma Flow Modification was a set of experiments attempted by Rocket Team in Spring of 2016.
Semester | Teamlead |
Spring 2016 | Jake Hecla |
Circumferential Plasma Drag Reduction
The first iteration of the plasma experiment used electrodes which wrapped around the entirety of the vehicle to reduce its overall drag. Literature suggested that 10% drag reduction was possible. Due to uncertainty regarding the performance of the rocket this method was unsuitable to characterize the effects of the plasma system.
Solid State Roll Control
To overcome the inherent unknowns in the circumferential plasma design, a set of canards was designed that would stall under normal conditions and upon activation of the plasma generate significant torque to change the roll rate of the vehicle. This system was proven in the Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel in May of 2016.
Working Theory
Plasma Drag Reduction Whitepaper
Test Data
Plasma Test DataThe DBD plasma experiment was tested in the Wright Brothers wind tunnel, and attempted on the Therion flight vehicle.