This process is used to request a Journal Voucherto be completed.
Composition Setup
Deck of Cards
Project Managers should use this process to:
move Move costs from one GL to another within a project
move Move costs from one project to another project
DoF Accounting will use this process to:
convert Convert the project from a Capital to an Expense project
move Move asbestos/moving to a separate cost object
convert Convert non-billable time to billable
split Split the project into multiple projects after project completion
Process Map
Step Descriptions
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1. Initiation
Started by the Accounting Manager or the Project Manager who fills out the required fields and attaches the associated documents before using the Submit option
The next step is Capital Expense
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2. Final Invoice?
Multiple fields are evaluated to determine the reason for the Journal Voucher
If True the next step is Acct Change eB Info and Create JV
If False the next step is Correct Project GL?
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3. Acct Change eB Info and Create JV
The Accounting Manager reads the comments and reviews the process fields and executes the Complete option
The next step is Finish
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4. Correct Project GL? (Decisional Step)
The Reason for JV Request field is evaluated to determine if this JV request is "To correct the cost element to which a cost was changed within a project"
If True (Yes) the next step is PC Creates Budget Change Process
If False (No) the next step is Asbestos Move?
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5. PM Creates Budget Change Process
The project manager reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is POs on Project?
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6. POs on Project? (Decisional Step)
The data field "Are there any purchase orders on the project" is evalulated
If True (Yes) the next step is PM Creates Commitment Change Process
If False (No) the next step is Account Creates GL Change JV
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7. PM Creates Commitment Change Process
The project manager reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is POs on Project?
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8. Account Creates GL Change JV
The accounting manager reads the comments, reviews the process and takes the Complete action
The next step is Finish
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9 Asbestos Move? (Decisional Field)
The data field "Asbestos moving to separate cost object?" is evaluated
If True (Yes) the next step is Acct Updates eB & Creates Asbestos JV
If False (No) the next step is Nonbillable/Billable.
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10. Acct Updates eB & Creates Asbestos JV
The accounting manager reads the comments, reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action. The next step is Finish.
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11. Billable/Non-Billable (Decisional Step)
The data field Reason for JV Request is evaluated to determine if it is equal to "Previously non-billable time is being determined as billable".
If True the next step is eB Admin Changes Project Number.
If False the next step is Wrong Project Cost?
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12. eB Admin Changes Project Number
The eB admin reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is Previous Time Bill?
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13. Previous Time Bill? (Decisional Step)
The data field Reason for JV Request is evaluated to determine if it is equal to Previously non-billable time is being determined as billable
If True the next step is Accounting Creates Billable Time JV
If False the next step is Finish
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14. Accounting Creates Billable Time JV
The accounting manager reads the comments, reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is Finish
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15. Wrong Project Cost? (Decisional Step)
The data field Reason for JV Request is evaluated to determine if it is equal to Costs were charged to the wrong project
If True the next step is Acct Creates Transfer JV
If False the next step is eB Admin Creates/Joins Projects
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16. Acct Creates Transfer JV
The accounting manager reads the comments, reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is Finish
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17. eB Admin Creates/Joins Projects
The eB admin reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is Acct Creates Cost Object IO
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18. Acct Creates Cost Object IO
The accounting manager reads the comments, reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is PM Determines/Triggers Reallocation
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19. PM Determines/Triggers Reallocation
The project manager reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is Finance Reallocates Cost
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20. Finance Reallocates Cost
The financial analyst reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action
The next step is Accounting Creates Reallocation JV
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21. Accounting Creates Reallocation JV
The accounting manager read the comments, reviews the process fields and takes the Complete action