Foundation construction now to start at the end of February. - Update from Guangli, 25 Jan 2017
Finally Finnally the construction company was determined from competitive tender, for the foundation. Yesterday Yesterday the contract was signed. There are still uncertanties before the real construction work, the approvement of fire control and enviromental protection. These may take two weeks, or more than one month. After this, the foundation construction could be finished in 4 months, and another ~5 months for antenna installation and station systems integration.
Guangli Wang - 1 Dec 2016
Mamoru Sekido - 22 Sep. 2016
We are taking part in the biweekly 24 hour VGOS tests. For those observations we use 4 RDBE-G units, 500 MHz bandwidth each band and polarization. We do not plan to make any hardware update in the near term. Our next mid-term goal is installing a combination of filters that will filter out frequencies below 3 GHz but will allow the passage of the legacy S band. That should allow us to install two amplifiers per polarization and not saturate the optical fiber amplifiers.
Pablo de Vicente - 25 Jan 2017
Broadband system temperatures are ~ 50 K - 70 K. The warm amplifiers after the cryogenic ones and before the optical fiber converters had to be removed to avoid saturating the amplifiers used to modulate the optical laser. This increased the Tsys by a factor 2. Furthermore one of the optical channels uses an 18 dB amplifier and the other one 9 dB. This is an issue to be solved in the future.