AuScope (Hobart, Katherine and Yarragadee)
A Report on the results of testing with the Callisto feed on the Hobart 12m were released to the VTC in December. Work is continuing to understand the larger than expected Tsys contribution from the antenna, including examination of antenna optics, surface accuracy and return loss.
We expect delivery of all three receivers by mid-2017. There is currently a funding shortfall which prevents us from purchasing three DBBC units that are fully VGOS compatible. The current thought is that we will fully upgrade Hobart but delay Ke and Yg until additional funding has been secured.
Jim Lovell - 24 Jan 2017
Report on Callisto feed tests on Hobart 12m will be sent to the VTC soon.
Jim Lovell - 1 Dec 2016
Testing of the prototype Callisto feed was completed on the Hobart 12m in August, finishing with a successful fringe test with Ishioka and Kashima. A report on the Australia-Japan broadband fringe tests is available. The receiver operated reliably and stably throughout, installation and operating procedures went smoothly. We are continuing to work on optimising the antenna optics. Still on track for a January arrival of the production systems.
Jim Lovell - 25 Aug 2016