1. Initiation Cloak |
- Started by the Project Coordinator or the Project Manager, they fill out the required fields and take the Submit action.
- The next step is Ready for Owner?
| 2. Ready for Owner? Cloak |
- The Ready for Owner? conditional step determines the path process will take based on if the Data Field “Ready for Owner Action?” has been marked “Yes” in a previous step.
- If True (Yes) the next step is Letter of Release?
- If False (No) the next step is Initiator Hold.
| 3. Initiator Hold Cloak |
- The process initiator completes the Change Order Request and takes the Submit action.
- The next step is Letter of Release?
| 4. Letter of Release? Cloak |
- The Letter of Release? conditional step determines the path process will take based on if the Data Field “Requesting Letter of Release?” has been marked “Yes” in a previous step.
- If True (Yes) the next step is PM Approves/Rejects & Verifies Funding.
- If False (No) the next step is A/E Review.
| 5. A/E Review Cloak |
- A/E Lead reviews the process and takes the Submit action.
- The next step is PM Approves/Rejects & Verifies Funding.
| 6.Initiator Revise & Resubmit Cloak |
- The initiator reviews the process, fills out the required fields and takes the Resubmit option.
- The next step is Letter of Release?
7. PM Approves/Rejects & Verifies Funding Cloak |
- The Project Manager Reviews the process, verifies the available funding, and has the option to Submit, Revise, Reject, or Void.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Budget Change Required.
- If Revise is chosen the next step is A/E Review.
- If Reject is chosen the next step is Initiator Revise and Resubmit.
- If Void is chosen the next step is Finish.
8. Budget Change Req'd Cloak |
- The Budget Change Req’d? conditional step determines the path process takes based on if the Data Field “Budget Change” has been marked “Yes” in a previous step.
- If True (Yes) the next step is Program Manager Review and Approval.
- If False (No) the next step is COR Hold for GC-CO.
9. Program Manager Review and Approval Cloak |
- The Program Manager reviews the process and takes an action to Void, Submit, or Revise.
- If Void is chosen the next step is Finish.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is COR Hold for GC
- If Revise is chosen the next step is PM Approves/Rejects & Verifies Funding
10. COR Hold for GC-CO Cloak |
The COR Hold for GC-CO Step will hold all Change Order Requests until they are bundled with the Change Order Process and the process is approved. Once the Change Order process is approved the attached Change Order Request Processes will automatically take the Code Complete action. The next step is SAP Hold Step. |