1. Start Cloak |
- The process is started by any of the eligible roles. The process form is completed, when finished click Submit.
- If the process was initiated by CC Planner, the next step is Project Manager Review.
- If not initiated by CC Planner, the next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form
| 2. CC Planner Created? (Decision Step) Cloak |
- If the initiator is the CC Planner the next step is Project Manager Review
- If the initiator is not the CC Planner then the next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form
| 3. CC Planner Completes PD Form Cloak |
- CC Planner reviews the process, completes the required fields and has the option to Submit, Revise or Void.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Project Manager Review
- If Revise is chosen the next step is Initiator Review
- If Void is chosen the next step is Finish
4. Project Manager Review Cloak |
- The Project Manager reviews the process, completes the required fields and chooses to Submit or Revise.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Planning Manager and Prog. Manager Review
- If Revise is chosen the next step is CC Planner Revise
5. Initiator Review Cloak |
- The process Initiator reviews the process, completes the required fields and clicks Reply.
- The next step is CC Planner Completes PD Form
6. CC Planner Revise Cloak |
- The CC Planner reviews the process, completes the required fields, and clicks Resubmit.
- The next step is Project Manager Review
7. Planning Manager and Prog. Manager Review Cloak |
- Project Manager and Program Manager review the process, complete the required fields and choose to Submit or Revise.
- If Submit is chosen the next step is Working Committee Review
- IfRevise is chosen the next step is CC Planner Revise
| 8. Working Committee Review Cloak |
- CC Planning Manager reviews the process with the working committee outside of e-Builder, completes the required fields and chooses to Submit or Put On Hold.
- If Submit is chosen theNext Step is Utilities, O&M and SEG Review
- If Put On Hold is chosen the next step is Finish
| 9. Utilities, O&M and SEG Review Cloak |
- Utilities Director, O&M Director, and SEG Assignor
will - review the process, add their comments and click Submit.
Next Step: - The next step is CC Director, Ops, and M&U Review
| 10. CC Director, Ops, and M&U Review Cloak |
CC Director, M&U Director and IBO Director will review the process, add their comments and click Submit. Next Step: The next step is CRSP Planning Review | DoF Planning Manager (Governance) Cloak |
CC Planning Manager reviews the process, adds comments, prepares the Capital Renewal List for the RCRSP agenda and clicks Submit: Next Step: Spawn Team Assignment | Spawn Team Assignments Cloak |
When a Submit action is taken from the DoF Planning Manager step, the process proceeds to this spawned step. In the spawn step the 2.01 - Team Assignment process starts and is moved to the first step of that workflow. The following action is automatically taken after: Next Step: Finance Office Issues IO Number | Finance Officer Issues IO Number Cloak |
Financial Officer reviews the process, adds the Cost Object Number, and clicks Submit. Next Step: Apply Funding | Apply Funding Cloak |
Financial Analyst reviews the process, applies funding, and clicks Submit: Next Step: Finish |
Finish |