Unknown User (
Saved on Oct 14, 2016 11:16
Saved on Oct 14, 2016 11:39
This process is started by the project manager
This This is a decision step is decisional. e e-Builder evaluates the Project Type to determine if the value is "Capital Renewal"
TrueNext Step: If True the next step isProject Director Review
FalseNext Step: If Falsethe next step is M&U Project?
This step is decisional. e-Builder evaluates the Project Type to determine if the value is "Utilities".
True Next Step: M&U Director Review
FalseNext Step: OCP Project?
This step is decisional. e-Builder evaluates the Project Type to determine if the value is "OCP"
TrueNext Step: OCP Director Review
FalseNext Step: Director of Housing Review
The Project Director reads the comments and review the process fields and clicks Submit.
Next Step: CC Director Review
The CC Director reads the comments and reviews the process fields and clicks Submit.Next Step: Department Funding?
The M&U Director reads the comments and reviews the process fields and clicks Submit.
Next Step: Department Funding?
The OCP Director reads the the comments and reviews the process fields and clicks Submit.
The Director of Housing reads the the comments and reviews the process fields and clicks Submit.
This is a decisional step. e-Builder evaluates the value of the Department Funding field.
Next Step: Financial Analyst Adds Funding
Next Step: DoF Contingency?
This is a decisional step. e-Builder evaluates the value of the Funding Source field.
The EVPT Office reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the following action:
The CRSP Admin reads the comments and reviews the process fields and takes the following action:
Automatic step to generate the true up form document
The financial analyst adds the funding to the project and will compete the required process fields and take the below action:
Funds Applied