- Fringe test experiments with VGOS mode (using ADS3000+'s DBBC mode for narrow channels VDIF format recording ) has between made between Kashima34,11m, and Ishioka for preparation of Ishioka's participation to VGOS session since beginning of Aug. However There were some failure of detecting fringes with 64Msps-2bit-16ch mode was not gained until 23 Aug. The cause of trouble is not clear, yet. Though for while, though fringe was found on 23 Aug. between Ishioka-Kas11 anyway.
- Broadband Fringe test VLBI experiment was successfully performed among Hobart-Ishioka-Kashima34, with broadband recording (1024MHz/band x 4band). Observation frequency range was Fc=(4.36GHz, 5.112GHz, 9.96GHz, 12.86GHz)
- 34m antenna ACU trouble was found on 23 Aug. Now we are trying to fix it.