4. Good places to order from include NEDesign and QRST's. NEDesign is usually cheaper, but a little less reliable. QRST's has been known to give discounts if you pay them in cash. If you order from NEDesign, make sure to do so at least a week before you want the shirts. It will probably take a week for them to be made.
1. This will use up the bulk of the publicity budget
Infinite Display
Infinite Display control the projectors in the Student Center, Stata, and the Infinite. They don't usually do ad swaps, but it might not be a bad idea to ask them for one anyway. Look at their slide for specs. It should be a full color widescreeen image. Student groups get 3 days of free Infinite Display space per semester. See here for details.
Spam is your friend. people will probably reply to you complaining, but not that many. you'll also get some bouncing emails and "away from office" emails. but it's totally worth it.
<bexley-minus-fascists@mit.edu> - defunct, now that Bexley's closed
Other options:
Go through the internet and find various boston-area theatre departments at different schools, also boston-area community theatres, professional theatres, whatever. no need to spam them continually, one publicity email should probably suffice. just try to get it out to people. high school theatre and literature teachers are good targets, too, because sometimes they bring their whole class on a field trip. what i've done in the past is send one email to boston area theatre people, and one specially written email to boston-area teachers, inviting them to bring their classes of students to see our play. if you want to do that, you should do it in the beginning of the semester, because field trips take a while to organize.
sidenoteSidenote: the theatre arts mailing lists change often. keep Keep track of them. currentlyCurrently, they are: ta-performances, ta-auditions, ta-crew, and ta-academic. in In case it's not clear, these are, in the following order: show publicity, auditions announcements, techies wanted, and academic stuff within the department. donDon't misuse them, otherwise the theatre lady will yell at you. these These have changed twice during my time at MIT. these These might change in the future
- The Publicity Board, so people know what group is being advertised
- Show Posters, so they know what show is going up.
- Postcards, so they remember what show is going up.
- Reservations BinderYour laptop, so they can reserve tickets for the show
- Tickets and Cash Box, so they can buy tickets for the show
- Toothpick Holders, so they remember us fondlyonline.
To make life easier, all this should be stored in one spot in the office during prod week. That way we don't have to get CAC to let us into West Lounge every morning