G. Tuccari - 27 April 2016
DBBC3 Report
The DBBC3 unified control software DUCS is under test and additional functionalities have benn added for
the VGOS 8 IFs version.
In particular the infrastructure for managing the different bandwidth has been improved.
A picture of the DBBC3-VGOS system is attached; its data rate for VGOS 2 bit modes is 128 Gbps, while
the maximum data rate with the same hardware is 512 Gbps.
Additionally it started the realization of the firmware and software to accomplish the standard
DBBC2 functionalities in DDC and PFB mode. This is in particular accomplished by the possibility to
have GCoMo and CoMo modules in a same system.
DBBC3 - VGOS (full)