Yoshihiro Fukizaki - 28 Jan 2016
First telescope currently being delivered. Two receiver systems under construction (QRFH and Eleven). First light date not defined, but hopefully this year.
Rüdiger Haas - 28 April 2016
The antenna is ready but there are some delays with the approval of the foundations. The foundations will be installed no earlier than October so construction will not start before then. The Shanghai VGOS antenna will be ready for its first test observations around the middle of 2017
Guangli Wang - 28 April 2016
Construction of the antenna foundation and tower to be completed by June, with observations starting before the end of this year.
VGOS system will be 16 Gbps, cover 2.7 to 15.5 GHz with 1 GHz bandwidths.
Guangli Wang - 13 Feb 2016
AuScope (Hobart, Katherine and Yarragadee)
Initial testing of Stirling Cycle broadband system has been completed at Hobart. Upgrade of all three sites to broadband planned to be completed by mid 2017 (was hoped to be by the end of 2016).
The prototype is expected now back in Hobart in the next 2-3 weeks for further testing until Julyand will be installed on the 12m in about a week.
Tests of Dynamic Scheduling with the three AuScope antennas and others (most recently Hart 26m) are continuing with the next observations planned for June.
Jim Lovell - 28 April 26 May 2016
Kashima 34m
This is not regarding on 34m antenna, but our small 1.5m diamter antenna at Koganei(HQ-NICT) was replaced with 2.4m dish At the same time prime focus opticas was changed to Cassegrain forcus The feed is another production of NINJA feed with room temperature LNA. Adjusting is in progress.
Pablo de Vicente - 24 Feb 2016
Technology Updates
The development activity is mainly concentrated on the realization of the unified control software which connects all the functionalities realised by the different parts of the system.