Key materials for all students and key context on the organization and its setting is in this introductory folder: https://wwhttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/czqosgyhlo88r3a/AACn2NqJR-stirt9SqI9HPGRa?dl=0w.dropbox.com/sh/czqosgyhlo88r3a/AACn2NqJR-stirt9SqI9HPGRa?dl=0
Collected resources and JSS materials for each team are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/30rcugb4xu0wcya/AACslW2kJslGL2wuuu_5Zfkxa?dl=0
Extra resources on systems thinking, behavioral perspectives, design thinking are here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ifwo1mb7e8bbyip/AAD-8X8iXkR4Vs5xh4GPKUE_a?dl=0
youtube channel for students: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLiX56tFrfnrTUMgzZUSIPtnpBHteT8VX
Team rosters, team Meeting Schedule and Expert Bios: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x2mZd0tEMHUcOXs82TUatGC4scSE7iwa5lKAQObBitI/edit?usp=sharing
JSS staff on your team calls call and contact info: JSSTeamMemberProfilesMITConsultationMarch2016.pdf
In-class handoutsDeliverables template: JSS MIT Consultation 2016 Key Questions.pdf and MIT-JSS innovation sprint for students.docxSlides from intro class: Sastry JSS-MIT Day1 ClassSlides MIT Student deliverables template 16.03.14.pdftemplate for deliverables deck:
note: if you think it better to send JSS a word document, please do that. Make sure it is well-organized. You will still need to create the two-three slides you will need to show in class: title & overview and best ideas (up to 2 slides for latter)ppt