Chet Ruszczyk - 24 Feb. 2016
- The Eleven feed is installed and tests are ongoing.
- The amplifiers are kept at 17.00 K continously and the feed itself has a temperature of about 10 K. The feed works well and I have done the first G/T measurements with good results. The G/T values are very similar to that of the Triband-feed, which in turn are really good. I tried to measure the Tsys with a small broadband antenna, but my noise diodes have not enough power to calibrate the system. I need to find a more efficient way. I will continue with the measurements as soon as the weather is good enough.
- A problem arises, since the feed is really ultra-broadband. It works down to 500 MHz and it is able to receive GPS, GSM und terrestrical TV-transmitters as well. Therefore we probably need a high-pass filter to avoid the saturation of the postamp and the receiver.
- Christian and Alex have working to setup DBBCs and the Fila10G to connect it to the Mark6 systems and it is now operational, first feedback tomorrow from correlator Bonn; investigations on controlling Mark6 from Field System is ongoing They have solved a few problems, but it is still a lot of work to do there.
Gerhard Kronschnabl and Alexander Neidhardt - 24 Feb 2016
- Operation of Ishioka antenna is now under interruption because of construction of operation building, and will resume after April.
- Modification of cryogenic dewar for QRFH system is being done.