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Sunday, January 13th, 2007: Terrascope Room

IAP Class 1/09


Sunday Meetings: 2-6pm
Wednesday Meetings (food): Terrascope room
IAP Goals
Overall Goals



This is a social project, not necessarily a scientific research project

Overall Goals
1. Create user-friendly website to educate people (problem)
2. PDF: digital book of our solution and argument (solution)
3. Children's book
4. Presentation to take to schools

Contact politicians

IAP Goals
1. Review sections
a. Sort through information, fact check
b. Break sections into solution and background
c. Find holes in argument and FILL IN
2. Expand sections
a. Research new material
b. In depth research for current material
c. Continuous research
3. Integrate sections
a. Rational, cohesive
4. Develop the problem
a. Is it overfishing?
b. Put it into perspective
c. Find more convincing sources
5. Basic facts
a. How much fish is produced?
b. Who depends on fish?
c. When reducing, who does it hurt the most?

Task forces (formed at a later date)

  • news media
  • policy makers/lobbyists
  • high schools/children
  • fishermen
  • scientists, educational community

Physical Solutions to Stop Overfishing:
Catching tech


Analysis of Our Solution

1. MPAs
∑ Keep MPAs as a part of the solution
∑ 10%--any number is slightly sketchy, but this is the best
o research the economics of 10%
o cost-benefit analysis
o Make this number available, but don't make policy based on it

2. International Cooperation
∑ Add info on current international stuff
∑ Treaty is more unrealistic than other parts of the proposal
∑ Start smaller than an international treaty
∑ Focus more on write-ups about current legislation than a solution on an international scale
∑ Website is geared towards the American public

3. Social Considerations
∑ Discuss the serious social implications of fishing, overfishing, stopping fishing
∑ Describe fishing culture
∑ This can be the window into the international issues
∑ Interview fishermen
o Send surveys?
∑ Try to give specific US fishing history

4. US Legislations
∑ New section that needs to be read, reviewed, written
∑ Mag-Stevens
∑ Days at Sea

5. Education
∑ Irrelevant information
∑ What you can do in the classroom
∑ We'll come to

6. Technology (Science and Monitoring)
∑ Fish catching tech
o Needs improvement
o Needs more thorough analysis of current technology
o Why our suggestions are best: BE COMPREHENSIVE
∑ Two-step plan
o Either rework or throw it out
o List the cost of using each new technology
o subsidies
∑ Fish tracking tech
o Research a more practical option
o More quantitative "fleshing out"
o Explain current methods of recording fish numbers, biomass, migration
o Why they suck
o Weigh more possibilities
∑ International Cooperation in Science is important
∑ Discuss the issue of fishing too much at one end of the age curve

7. Management
∑ Ecosystems based fisheries management
o Models used to predict fish numbers
o Needs more work, explanation
∑ GPS on fishing boats
o Investigate more
o Might be too specific
o Look into all tracking methods
o Where it's not in use, that's because it wont be effective there
o Would need to be subsidized
o Explore ALL other options
∑ Stopping IUU
o Sonar bouys
o Maybe GPS
o Other alternatives
o Part of the problem may be government, not a lack of knowledge
∑ Taxes
o Because we are talking about this on a local level, this is unnecessary
∑ Quotas
o ITQs—
o Research/write more info on current quotas
o Give examples
o Real world quotas
∑ Subsidies
∑ Discussion of current management methods needed
∑ By-catch
o Either improve, or put into the technology
∑ Problem focus

8. Aquaculture
∑ Genetics
o More info needed
o Improved, impartial sources
∑ MORE about the issues with aquaculture
o Mushy flesh
o Environmental issues
o Genetics
o Escaping into the wild
∑ Research the facilities in the China
∑ Research the facilities in the USA
∑ Find other viable sources of food
o Anything else that is feasible

9. Climate
∑ Global warming
o Chemical composition
ß Salinity
ß CO2
o Temp increase
o Coral bleaching (ozone)
∑ How it effects other areas
o Aquaculture
∑ More on the effects to FISH, not just the effects on the oceans
∑ Recommendations
o Continued monitoring
o Flexibility
o We need to encourage the reduction of CO2 production, encourage recycling, reduce energy consumption

10. Environment
∑ Enhance the problem section
o Organize a little more clearly
o Research more issue
ß Oil spills and drilling
ß Cruise ship pollution
ß Industrial runoff
o Can expand to inland areas (freshwater)
o Expand to deep waters
ß Oil drilling
∑ Division of sections
o Ecosystems: Freshwater, coastal zones, deep seas
o Cruise ships
o Oil drilling
o Oil spills
o Deep sea
o Fresh water

11. Economics
o UROP: labels in supermarkets, restaurants
∑ Effects on the economy of our plan—ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES
o Make estimates for each section
ß I.e. MPAs

1. no more acronyms

Wednesday, January 9, 2007: Terrascope Room


  • Decide what to do over IAP
  • Let's define long and short-term goals for the group
  • What's the end product?
  • Have something presentable—schoolspresentable---schools, companies, other organizations
  • IAP goals vs. overall goals
  • 2-6 p.m. meetings on Sundays
  • Bring food to Wednesday meetings?—will ---will continue to meet in Terrascope room
  • Proposal from Alex: Create a user-friendly Website aimed at educating people about the problem—not problem--not super technical. Make a pdf file with technical solution for distribution to policy makers—like makers--like a book. Also come up with presentation for schools, focused on problem. Possibly children's book/video documentary?


  • David: Break up proposal into solutions/background
  • Alex: Sort through information—fact information---fact check, decide what else we need
  • Amanda and Anna: Must continue research
  • Alex: Goal should be develop problem a lot more
  • Todd: Let's get more quantitative
  • Jack: How do fish fit into global food supply? Issues with urging people to switch off fish.


  • David: Talk to lobbyists?
  • Review sections—sortsections---sort, fact check, fill holes
  • Issue of ad hoc features, how solution should be discussed
  • Eva: Existing sections don't differentiate between problem and solution, really


  • Maybe should look at China, Japan information

Discussion of content

  • MPAs—should MPAs---should we do a cost benefit analysis?
  • How should we analyze? Timescale for 10% plan?
  • Let's get quantitative.
  • How defensible is 10%? How good is the research?
  • Use a risk analysis instead of a cost benefit analysis?
  • Alex J: We want MPAs in the solution, but we need more information—some information---some relevant parameter must be found
  • Alex V: Present range of scenarios
  • Should the focus be on science or policy?
  • Treaty
    • Alex V: Less defensible than some of the other international stuff
    • Should still have material on international issues—need issues--need for more action—not action--not an actual solution
  • Should we get into state policy?
  • Social issues: Discuss social implications of overfishing/reduction in fishing. Fisherman culture?
    • Go back to Gloucester? Work with them?
  • Education: Not relevant—werelevant--we're doing it—on it--on the website could have tab w/ info for teachers, advertisement for presentation, etc.
  • (Fishing) Technology: Must separate fish/environment tracking technology, fish catching technology Needs more work on it—improve technology analysis—say it--improve technology analysis-say why various alternatives are better—separate better-separate section on tracking technology—dump technology--dump two-step plan?
  • Fish tracking technology: Improve analysis--Also discuss organization of science—international science--international cooperations
  • Money (for our operations): Apparently we can get it from MIT


  • ecosystem based management: more thorough and complex
  • quotas --> use ITQs --> issues with selling them or with allocation in general
  • we need a major discussion on taxes and quotas ** ***BIG******

We also realized it is important to foster contacts soon, so while it is critical to get our information and website up and better, it is also critical to talk to people.....
